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Author: Annie
Ladies: To Approach and/or Be Approached
A lot of women tend to ask me how to send the right signals to a guy or how to read theirs, when they’re interested in someone. More often than not, these same women believe that the men should approach them and not the other way around. The problem is a lot of women are…
Overcoming Rejection
One of the biggest reasons why people have approach anxiety is the fear of rejection. The more you dwell on it, the bigger the anxiety becomes. If you take it personally, you’ll likely become obsessed with the thought, “What’s wrong with me?” When one learns how to overcome it, they no longer have to fear it. So…
Casual Sex
Often I hear women complain that all men want is sex or that all women only want relationships. Most women are afraid to sleep with someone on the first date out of fear that they’ll look like a slut, while most men are afraid to be honest with not wanting a relationship and fear she…
First Date Ideas
One of the biggest problems a lot of men make, when it comes to planning that first date, is being a little extravagant too soon. It’s absolutely cliché, and you should save the fancy restaurant for a little later anyway, when you’ve decided that you’re really that into her and vice versa. Stop thinking about what…
Sexless Relationships
Hi, Annie My name’s David* I’ve been with my fiancé for 13 years now. We have sex once every two months even though I complain and try to get things started, but she turns everything down! She knows I love her, but I need more. I can’t take how infrequent our sex is. How can…
Anal Sex
More often than not, I hear men complain that their wives or girlfriends won’t let them venture through their back door. Guys try to coax their lovers to let them stick “just the tip” back there, and more frequently, I always hear, “I had to be drunk to do it, and now I can’t walk,”…